Subject: File No. S7-14-22
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Legal Scholar

April 20, 2022

They want the SEC to abandon their mandate to protect investors and maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets so they will rubber stamp yet another Rube Goldberg mechanism to subvert regSHO locate requirements.

Remember Their mandate isnt liquidity at all costs so go make a comment and remind them that fair and orderly markets need MORE locates and LESS borrowing: the SEC is literally moving the markets backwards by adopting this.

Just because some market participants got themselves into hot water doesnt mean that the SEC should change the rules to protect them from consequences. Make the borrowers deliver on their promises instead of granting them overnight IOUs

Beyond that: why do these huges firms that already have every benefit always need help from more rulebending. If you cant compete, die. It is true for everyone else and our margin calls are instant and we dont get to say a word about it. Take the market back to supply and demand before it destroys everything you crooks