Subject: File No. S7-14-22
From: Vincent

April 7, 2022

we want regulation and stop Fraud of the market
Market makers can ownes hedge funds and PFOF orders from retails through darkpools : WHAT THE HELL ?

this is totaly out of control actualy

STOP DARKPOOLS on AMC AND GME for only 1 week just to see how massive this is

what are you doing to protect retails ?

i can not myself borrow a share, short it and reborrow and reshort it again

nake short all along , fail to deliver all along .

WE NEED MORE REGULATION and stop collusion of market makers and hedge funds .
Retails order through darkpools ? this is a total abuse of this tool .

Rules already exist : enforce them : STOP DARKPOOLS on AMC WTRH GME etc ....

Whole world is watching and it is so ridiculous to see that nothing is done against that .