Subject: File No. S7-14-22
From: Jeffrey Weldon
Affiliation: Senior Systems Admninstrator

April 6, 2022

I fully support the implementation of new reporting requirements for security based swaps and the execution facilities responsible for dealing with them. There has been way too little transparency in these esoteric forms of derivatives in my opinion, and it seems very likely that the largest players on Wall Street have been using these contracts to abuse the system at the expense of retail investors without access to either the data or the ability to purchase these contracts themselves. I think its silly that the SEC has had the ability to implement these proposed rules since Dodd Frank was signed into law, and here we are years and years later just getting around to it like it was on a to-do list that fell under the fridge. Wall Street obviously didn't learn their lesson from the 2008 crash or the subsequent market panics, and its long past time that the regulators step up to make the markets more transparent and to put in place regulations with teeth. Stop allowing Wall Street to pay fines and penalties as part of the cost of doing business, and actually start putting some of these people in jail and seizing their ill gotten gains. Thank you.