Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Gabriel A DesHarnais, Ph.D.
Affiliation: retired psychotherapist

July 12, 2008

Dear Members of SEC:
I read with considerable trepidation your changing the inherent protections afforded investments in bonds rather than funds so that they are no longer protected by the benefits afforded those of us investors who have elected the less speculative and more conservative nature of our mutual funds. My wife and I have tracked the profits of our investments over the years and have not found them to be exorbitant but rather well in line with the nature of these funds as explained by our financial advisor. We ask you not to change these funds to invite more risk from the influence of stock investors and brokers. We have accepted whatever costs accrued to our investments as the necessary protection provided us as we committed these funds to mutual bonds. We looked upon the inherent costs as neither too burdensome or destabilizing thus warranting our falling into the "tender hands" of stock brokers--and, of course, their inherent costs. We figure we have paid enough legitimate costs to warrant our not having to toss and turn over additional ventures of the uninvited, though apparently tender mercies of stock investors. Please do not do this to us. We are not a drag on the market and we derive no benefits from our choosing to avoid stocks. Your action will put us firmly into the midst of the avaracious concerns of stock investors. Since such intrusions tend to ever increase the costs of "doing business", please leave us out of your calculations to rectify the massive speculative losses of this country's ever weakening contols on investors and profiteers intent on delivering us from calamity--of course, for a considerable fee. We hope Congress and the Senate do not bow to such lubricious connivings as here purported to right the wrongs solely effectuated by greed among those who want a share of every pot--even those they do not tend. We sincerely hope you will heed our message to SEC and to Congress.
Thank you.
Gabriel and Mary DesHarnais