Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: C. Gene Remaklus
Affiliation: Independent Insurance Agent

October 30, 2008

"Comments Attached"(No bulletins or public access accepted for email)

Since EIA's introduction to the market I've had the opportunity to help many indivduals and families reveiw and select this important product. Many of them have seen there dollars grow and have continued to hold their plans as is or to maturity then, they have rolled over or transfered to other annuity plans. We agree on this some do present EIA in the wrong manner while the majority of, representatives present the proper selling points and documentation disclosure. These steps or categories define my approach,traning, and compliance procedures as promoted by each company I represent.

Because, of on going oversite for the afformentioned tools exersized by each respective company I believe SEC 151 should not be adopted. The ruling will compound insurance activities even more already having complexity of issues and operations. Therefore, State Departments of Insurance, each company and the agent should continue to be resposible. Sincerely, C. Gene Remaklus