Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Thomas C Colbern

September 4, 2008

Dear Sirs of the SEC, The conduct of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citicorp and all other financial institutions that delt in CDOs and packaged mortgage backed securities have resulted in the loss of BILLIONS of Dollars. These GREED driven practices were accomplished and endorsed under your WATCH. Now you want control of the only safe and historically secure financial institution left, The Insurance Industry and specifically Indexed Annuities. These products are a "fixed" contract and have no place in your domain. Your only motivation for wanting this control is not the best interest of the consumer but to stem the flow of money from the stock market. I have been an insurance agent for twenty-eight years and had I wanted to be affiliated with the SEC I have had plenty of opportunity. Please leave the last shining star on the hill untarnished and keep out of the Fixed Annuity Industry. Respectfully, Thomas Colbern/ Washington State, Colorado and New Mexico