Subject: File No. S7-14-08
From: Stuart V Coleman

September 3, 2008

I implore you to leave the fixed annuities and their dealings to each State's Dept. of Insurance. There is already too much regulation on many investment and taking fixed annuities to the stock brokers is a mistake that I am hopeful will not be allowed. Texas has the State Dept of Insurance that already heavily regulates the sales of fixed annuities and changing this would not benefit the consumer, in fact it may have a negative impact as insurance agents strive and are required to high ethics and regulated sales disclosures, etc.
My livelihood and business as a licensed independent insurance agent may be greatly impacted by this proposed rule 151A.

Please allow the State's to continue to regulate fixed annuity sales.

Best Regards,

Stuart Coleman
Coleman SVCs Insurance
San Antonio, TX.