Subject: File No. S7-13-15
From: miss poima
Affiliation: citizen

September 14, 2015

I have to say with an open heart- how unimaginable it would be for all interested parties, to want nothing more than to complete such filings. Which leaves me to wonder whether or not these trading companies or anyone for that matter- reached out to the principle or trustee of these funds or if disclosure of such oversight has even been made?? Considering these investments resulted in an oversight, how is the principle investor expected to know when these interests originally vested in a 401(k) plan-- and then inadvertently applied to- Since these accounts are routinely set up through an HR rep from employer. Not discounting the statements that are annually sent out to their shareholders- however still, those statements are described only in percentages vested in public mutual funds as a group listing either the region or state that those funds will be applied to. Never a single private trading company like the oversight in the case turned out to be- unbeknownst to the principle account holder. It is unbelievable still, of the transparency in making a phone call and all it would take to make sure these people receive what is due. I want to reserve how I think things would be should matters be reversed. And the efforts and lengths taken to see that people receive what is due. Thank you for you time.