Subject: Comments for File Number S7-12-11

May 23, 2011

I so distrust Wall Street elites that I have taken almost all of my life savings out of the stock market. I am close to retirement and cannot risk my financial survival to an unregulated, greed based industry that behaves fraudulently, makes huge profits and invests their ill gained wealth in buying off Congress. I am disgusted with Congress and with Wall Street hustlers. I will not put my money back in the market until Glass-Steagall is restored and Congress enacts and enforces tough legislation to protect individual investors from ruin by insider schemes like high frequency trading that gives wealthy high tech investors the chance to profit from markets of their own making. Banking should be separated from investing. Citizens need a banking system that is accountable, transparent, well- regulated and invests in Main Street. Honest main street bankers do not require outlandish compensation packages. Hedge fund managers and high risk investment bankers can demand the compensation their investors are willing to pay. The hype of the few should not be allowed to corrupt our entire banking system. Thank you for considering my comments,

Teresa J. Blakely