July 22, 2006
"Everyone knows this amendment survey is only to try and save face. Since SHO came into being, everyone interested in the stockmarket has had it confirmed that your organization has acted only for itself , in that everything said, done and intended to do, has been for the protection of the evil, white collar rats from all walks of society. There will be documentaries published telling the truth of the matter. Hopefully, you will all be imprisoned for a very long time. This is serious business. You have all committed a crime, no make that crimes, against the American people. You have let greed take over and govern your sense of accountability. You will soon find that there is a terrible price to pay for serious crime - even white collar crime. I don't believe that leaving now will save you
The Amercian public is much smarter than you give credit for and mnay are smart enough to understand the whole nasty business of NAKED SHORT SELLING etc. Those of us who new to the markets are fast learning that the corruption runs deep. There are many among you who could have aided the stockholder. It has been brought to your attention more than once, by your own employees, however you chose to ignore it. This could not have gone on with without your knowledge of it and your condoning of it.
You had a job to do and should have done it. All we, the American public, are asking is "DO your Job and DO IT RIGHT"