Subject: "S7-10-22"
From: Aubrey Meyer

Apr. 17, 2023

Re "S7-10-22" 

1. SEC efforts to shield the financial system from climate-fuelled threats are inevitable. 

2. However, albeit from a lower base [a] rate of the growth of climate damages has for some time 
been progressing at roughly twice [b] globally averaged economic growth rates. 

3. It is inevitable that [a] will overtake [b] unless greenhouse gas emissions globally are now 
immediately and drastically curtailed. The prognosis from any further failure to do this is increasingly 
& irreversibly catastrophic for economies & ecology globally - CBAT Carbon Budget Analysis Tool. 

Consequently the rule now needed must require publicly listed companies to disclose to investors, 
regulators & the public their risks from (& contributions to) global warming. However, this must be 
done explicitly with reference to points 1 2 & 3 as stated above, making the actual calculus clear.