Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Daniel Castro
From: Daniel Castro
Affiliation: Engineer

Feb. 27, 2023

February 27, 2023

 I currently work in the oil and gas industry and my feedback is based on my experience has an employee and as a shareholder of my employer. The energy industry is in the middle of a transition from reliance of fossil fuels to more green energy options. Green energy has been the focus of tech companies but that hasnt always been the case for companies in the oil and gas sector of the energy industry which has generally been viewed less favorably when compared to our tech counterparts. I believe there is a significant miss conception on the climate and environmental impact certain green energy options have that are not disclosed to the SEC making the task for fact finding difficult for the average shareholder. I think that the rules for reporting being proposed will help educate the public on the true climate and environmental impact all energy options have with out relying on spin that any one company can add to make climate data appear favorable to shareholders. The benefit of the p
 roposed rules also allow for easier access to climate related information  and also allow for uniformity with how data is presented. The proposed rule would also allow for more fair access to climate information to the public rather than allowing public companies to select how and who is able to access this critical information first. Climate related data is becoming an increasingly significant indicator on the health, sustainability, and continuity of a company and the proposed rules not only benefit shareholders but also give companies a consistent way to not only report their climate data but also a way in which a company can measure its climate related data against anothers. I also think that this also help establish the true impact all energy options have on the environment and allows for a better educated citizenry.