Subject: Comment. On S7-10-22
From: Dan La Vigne

Sep. 16, 2022

Dear Chair Gensler,  

 I am writing to thank you for taking steps to make it easier for investors like me to understand climate risk.  Climate disruption may well be the greatest challenge humankind has ever faced.  If we don’t measure up to this crisis, future civilization may indeed collapse, or at the very least be severely damaged.  It is going to take a concerted effort on everyone’s part to secure the future and that is why it is extremely important that investors know where their money is going and how it is being used.  The SEC climate disclosure rules will be an essential aid to conscientious investors.  Please make sure that this information is available to current and future investors.   
Thank you for your concerted effort to secure the future for humanity. 

   Dan  La Vigne