Subject: S7-10-22
From: Sally Mattison

Jun. 27, 2022

I am a concerned Pennsylvanian who cares about the environment and has earned a professional green building credential.  I support a rule for climate-related financial disclosures. Buildings are a critical component of those disclosures, as buildings represent about 31% of energy-related CO2 emissions in the U.S. Many companies are taking actions, such as tracking and benchmarking, setting net zero goals for new construction, and implementing retrofits to reduce those emissions. Doing so also enhances the climate resilience of these buildings—which also benefits owners and tenants. 

As the SEC works on a final rule, I ask the agency to carefully consider the range of views, concerns and opportunities identified in comments across the real estate and building sector -- particularly those knowledgeable about green building, to craft a rule that is clear, addresses inconsistencies, and is robust, resulting in accurate, verified information about both climate-related risks and risk reduction activities. 

This rule could have a tremendous positive impact in informing investors about business risks as the global economy transitions to clean energy and low carbon needs.  I urge the SEC to proceed expeditiously with this rulemaking. 

Priscilla J. Mattison