Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Damian Bluett

Jun. 20, 2022

This is ridiculous.  Currently the majority of the the power grid still runs on fossil fuels; solely because renewable energy isn’t as scaleable as politicians are claiming. The maintenance and overall logistics of wind farms isn’t fully disclosed. Think of the transportation of them, and the disposition process. The blades are made out of composite and don’t break down, so when their stress fractures make them inoperable where do they sit?    Then you have solar and battery  energy, the materials for those have to be mined from the ground that’s also environmental damage.

My overall point is why are you forcing public companies to adhere to these arbitrary political sales pitch, when there isn’t a scale able solution.  It will cost these companies billions if not trillions to adhere to this ridiculous assault for every point of use.  who do you think that cost will be passed to?  That’s right the consumers you are falsely claiming you protect.  Your Job at the SEC doesn’t have anything to do with the EPA.

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