Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Eric J. Russell

Jun. 17, 2022

To whom it may concern,
I am writing today for the public comment to oppose the proposed rules on The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors.
All ideological codification violates the American principle of the Wall of Separation, that church (ideology) and state must remain separate to prevent the oppression of nonbelievers who aren’t in positions of political power, and the SEC’s proposed rules would oppress earnest citizens in precisely this way.
The SEC presumes, wrongly, that there is no more room for debate when it comes to climate change and the methodology of preserving nature moving forward. They believe so strongly that they are the end of truth when it comes to the preservation of nature, that they will codify their power to the detriment of poor, working-class individuals such as myself.
Tomorrow corporations may jump through your ideological hoops. The next day the corporations may force us, the American people, to jump through those same hoops or risk losing access to services such as the ability to buy and sell, a freedom that underpins many if not all freedoms in America.
One other point that bears making: Should the SEC and other institutions succeed in codifying their secular religion into law, it will serve as a powerful sign that further divides our great nation, a nation already murmuring about secession and civil war. The enemies of America delight in such a prospect.
This is why I beg you: please keep church and state separate.
Thank you,
—Eric J. Russell