Subject: Climate Disclosure--Release No. 33-9106 (Feb. 2, 2010) [75 FR 6290 (Feb 8, 2010)] (2010 Climate Change Guidance).
From: Dennis E. Hedke

Jun. 14, 2022


To whom it may concern: 

I have followed with great interest the Proposed Rule referenced above, and frankly, I find it appalling that such proposal has even managed to be officially considered by the SEC. 

No doubt, you are receiving a broad spectrum of comments related to this proposal, but I will start out by saying that, without a doubt, one of the worst decisions handed down by the United States Supreme Court was the case  MASSACHUSETTS V. EPA, 549 U.S. 497 (2007) 

I would state unequivocally that the utter lack of appropriate research regarding the chemical and environmental context that should have been considered in that case was clearly ignored and has proven to be very costly, to the earth at large. 

This utterly ridiculous Proposed Rule is proof positive that the majority of SEC Commissioners are completely and totally incapable of conducting the independent research that THEY should also do, to confirm that the suggestion that CO2 gas is harmful to earth's environment is beyond scientific evidence and has absolutely NO basis in fact. 

The fact that you Commissioners in the majority, who wish to advance this OUTRAGEOUS rule, speaks volumes as to how irrational thought has driven this US Supreme Court decision. 

I do hope and pray, though it will likely prove to be a total waste of time, that you Commissioners who have attempted to propagate this proposal, will in fact wake up and set this Proposed Rule entirely aside, and never visit it again. 

Please do the right thing for America, and in fact, as leaders of the Free World, and dispose of this ESG nonsense. 


Dennis Hedke 

Dennis E. Hedke 
Consulting Geophysicist