Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Michael G. Wilson
From: Michael G. Wilson

Jun. 14, 2022

June 14, 2022

 Dear SEC,  re: The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors File No: S7-10-22.
     As a small business owner I understand that large companies will have to make sure their downstream suppliers are climate compliant.  As of now climate consultants who claim to be ESG experts, the SEC nor banking institutions have standards in place to determine who is or is not climate compliant.  Please explain in detail the standards or do not enact this rule.  I may be required to comply to satisfy my upstream customers and if there are no standards this rule is just a waste of time and money for me, the upstream company, financial instituions and ultimately investors.  The SEC says in its mission statement their goal is to protect investors from financial fraud, not the climate.  It's not their job nor do they have the Congressional authority to do so.  Thank you.