Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from James Mundy III
From: James Mundy III
Affiliation: Retired Education Administrator

May. 24, 2022

May 24, 2022

 We have known for decades that fossil fuels are hurting earth's environment (via rapidly escalating climate change and declining air and water quality). Not only are scientists and the general public aware of fossil fuels' effects, more importantly, the large corporations that currently profit from polluting our air, water, climate, and negatively impacting socio-economically disadvantaged communities in the United States have been aware of the problem for decades. I am encouraged to see that the SEC has proposed taking meaningful steps to at least begin holding corporations accountable for the problems they've been largely responsible for creating. I strongly urge the SEC to fully enact S7-10-22 as one of the many steps we need to take in order to help preserve our nation, and keep it safe and habitable.