Subject: I support File No. S7-10-22
From: David Hunter

May. 14, 2022

Dear Chair Gary Gensler,

I am writing in support of proposal S7-10-22 that will require companies to disclose audited greenhouse gas emissions in much the same way they are required to disclose audited financials.

The SEC should approve the proposal requiring disclosure of climate-related risks, and metrics reflecting those risks. Climate-related risks have reached historic and catastrophic levels. Voluntary guidance is inadequate.

As people who have jurisdiction over national policy, you have to do due diligence to make correct decisions. Think about your grandchildren. Their lives hang in the balance as fire, storm, flood, disease, and finally food and water shortages threaten their lives. Don't they deserve some of your attention?

Make a decision that takes their lives into account. Or do they not deserve due diligence from you?


David Hunter