Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Henry Lewis
From: Henry Lewis

May. 16, 2022

 May 16, 2022

 To Whom it May Concern,
I am compelled to write this comment due to the outlandish smear campaign organized by FreedomWorks. I unequivocally support this proposed rule, and believe it is not only within the scope of authority of the SEC, but it furthers their mission to protect investors, and maintains fair, orderly, and efficient markets. Oil  Gas companies have been funding climate change denialism for decades, and the effects of their agenda can be seen in the comments section for this proposed rule, as fellow commentators spew the talking points put forward by FreedomWorks, which is funded in part by oil corporations. However, climate change is a very real thing, and the effects shall be catastrophic and threaten the survivability of humankind and the Earth as a whole. As an accounting undergrad, who then worked at a brokerage and is now working towards a masters in environmental policy  management, I support this rule for the following reasons:
        Climate change, and greenhouse gas emissions, are a material risk for investors and firms
        Investors have begun focusing on the Environmental, Social and Governance functions of a company as a viable way of analyzing a companys future performance
        Actions taken by corporations to fight climate change are a crucial part of the battle
        This rule would limit greenwashing and promote transparency
        Shows regulatory risk for companies that may be impacted by future regulation that fights climate change
        This rule is not discriminatory against oil companies and affects all corporations equally. Oil companies have seen record profits through the current gas crisis due to price gouging, and their own inability to ramp up supply, that decreased due to Covid-19, with the rising demand
        Environmental externalities will now become visible
        This rule does not shame companies, only brings truth of their operations to light
        In no way does this rule limit the ability of the U.S. to gain energy independence
        Allows investors to place their money with companies that share their values
        More information offers more power to investors
        Increases ethics of corporations
        Increases job opportunities in the sustainability field, accounting, and financial analysis
Simply put, this proposed rule offers information and information is power. It will aid retail investors, like myself, and put power into the hands of consumers. This information is not a smear campaign. It targets no specific industry and provides vital information to a companys future and the future of our planet. A standardized reporting process, as proposed in this rule, would also make the info easier to find and digest for the average investor. I understand the cost of compliance may be high, but the benefits of this rule far outweigh the costs for the sake of investors and our planet.
Thank you for your time,
Henry Lewis