Subject: : WebForm Comments from Jesse Kelly
From: Jesse Kelly

May. 09, 2022

  May 9, 2022

 I strongly support S7-10-22 the proposed rule requiring public companies to disclose climate risk information. As a young person attempting to secure my financial future, information about how a changing climate will impact my long-term investments is essential.

Though we had no way to predict the enormous economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we do have numerous, reliable scientific models that show how climate change-fueled extreme weather events will become more intense and frequent in the near future. These events will affect corporate assets and operations, put pressure on essential supply chains, and undermine the ability of certain businesses to meet targets. Investors need to be aware of how companies are impacted by the financial risks of climate change when making decisions about their portfolios.

This rule will provide investors with information about companies climate-related financial risks in a reliable, consistent, and comparable manner so they can make informed investment decisions. The rule will also put the U.S. on closer footing with other countries that are already requiring these types of climate-related disclosures from companies.

We need transparent information about climate-related investment risks. Thank you for proposing this rule, and I urge the SEC to finalize it as quickly as possible.