Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Kenneth Stillwell Jr
From: Kenneth Stillwell Jr

May. 02, 2022

I am worried about the requirements to disclose this information, as it greatly increases an entity's barriers to entry for the capital markets and the ability to raise capital for smaller market companies. Companies should not be forced to disclose this information unless there are climate related material risks to the entity. I am also worried about the future of civilization as a company's disclosures may be turned into ESG scores, and I fear companies who do not meet a minimum ESG score may be excluded from various markets, destroying the concept of a free market. I think companies should be able to disclose this information if they want, and investors can certainly make the choice to not invest in companies with poor ESG disclosures or no ESG disclosures. This should be an additional thing that companies CHOOSE to disclose, not a requirement that hinders the companies that do not disclose this information.

Thank you for your time.