Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: K Young

Apr. 19, 2022

I'm writing to express my strong support of proposed climate-related disclosures in their entirety (File Number S7-10-22) 

I am a regular investor in public markets and manage the assets of a foundation. 

The proposed disclosures fall squarely into the SEC's mission to protect investors and maintain fair markets. First because without information about vulnerability to climate-related disruptions—which we know with certainty will grow in frequency and severity for many years—it is impossible to understand the stability of an investment. Second because it is very likely that greenhouse gas emissions will incur a significant cost on businesses in the future. This could be through regulation, consumer choice, or both. 

I find comment from several states' Attorneys General, to be wildly uninformed in its trivialization of the risk of climate change. When they state "...the Commission proposes to change its mission fundamentally. The Commission was previously concerned with ensuring that companies fairly and accurately report material risks..." the implication is that climate change is not a material risk, or is perhaps not a material risk that can be foreseen and quantified. This position is silly and untenable, but since it was written by individuals with some authority, it is worth noting the apparent ignorance of the authors on their chosen topic. 

Thank you for your efforts and to repeat, I strongly support full adoption of the proposed climate-related disclosures. 
K Young