Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Claire

April 4, 2022

The public deserves to know the environmental impact organizations have on communities. As investors, we have a right to know how our money is directly impacting the health and well-being of both humans and ecosystems we inhabit.

Fossil fuel organizations are the top contributors to climate change. And the politicians opposing this rule and cleaner energy are directly profiting off of these organizations. My livelihood is at stake because these politicians are lining their pockets with dirty money. I have a right to know how these companies are impacting the environment I live in. This data needs to be standardized so the consumer can make sound decisions for their wallets and environment.

On the other hand, we, as investors, need to understand these impacts as the fossil fuel industry is not sustainable in the long-run financially. As the world moves towards climate-neutral energy sources, investors are dumping their money into a waning fossil fuel industry.

It embarrasses me to live in a country where the future is clouded by the greed of politicians. It is disgusting.