Subject: Comments on S7-08-22 - Consolidated Audit Trail for Purposes of Short Sale-Related Data Collection
From: Nathan Barron

Aug. 20, 2023

Dear SEC, 

I am writing in support of proposed rule S7-08-22. 

As a concerned US Securities investor, I have witnessed first-hand the predatory short-selling practices of some large hedge funds, banks, and nefarious market makers on stocks that I currently own. 

Regarding Short-sale related Data Collection, I support the following statements: 

?Short positions need to be reported daily by funds and market makers, and public notice needs to be reported daily on a public website for that purpose, for all holdings and companies in the market. 

• ?Audits need to happen by regulatory agencies to ensure shorts and FTDs are not being hidden in options.
- Punishments need to be severe enough to ensure it doesn't continue, and in a timely manner. 
• ?Large hedge funds and Market Makers are run by the same company. 
They need to be broken up. 
• ?High frequency low volume trades done in dark pools are being used to influence stock pricing. 
This market manipulation needs to be clamped down on, enforced, and punished with heavy fines.
Real price discovery is essential for the market to function properly.  With naked short selling being rampant in the name of 'liquidity' combined with shorting algorithms used by predatory market makers like Citadel and Virtu, the retail investors have been harmed extensively by these criminals running our security markets.  These predatory short sale tactics, algorithms, and a lack of short-sale reporting transparency all are key factors in enabling these crooks to steal money from retail investors to line their own pockets.  they must be held accountable, and regulations must be enforced like this one to expose their predatory short-sale practices. 
Thank you, Nathan Barron, Concerned Investor