Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Stephan J. Cunningham, III
From: Stephan J. Cunningham, III
Affiliation: Professional Machinist and Part-Time Fitness Influencer

Jan. 28, 2023

January 28, 2023

 Dear Ms. Countryman,

This comment is regarding S7-08-22
Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers etc.

Thank you for reopening comment periods for a number of rulemaking proposals.

Please allow me to suggest that you personally review all the comments submitted to this rulemaking proposal in great detail due to its wide relevance for the American public.

But before doing so, may I suggest that you start asking yourself why word on the street has it that the acronym 'SEC' actually stands for Shortsellers' Enrichment Corporation?

The system of revolving doors between government agencies that are mandated to regulate certain industries -- such as the financial industry -- and corporations in said industries should be stopped immediately.

I suggest that strict cooling-off periods of minimum two years for professionals who want to take up a well-paid position in the financial industry after a brief or extended stint at a regulator must be imposed as soon as humanely possible to prevent conflict of interest.

S. J. Cunningham, III