Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers
From: Mark J

Oct. 28, 2022


Hello, and thanks for taking the time to consider this comment.  

It is very concerning to investors such as myself that the proposed rule even needs to be discussed. When the term "free and fair markets" is utilized, the majority of my generation now scoffs. The very existence of this proposal is proof enough to anybody that cares to devote even a moment of their time to this subject shows that it is not entirely "free" or "fair".  

Transparency, although very difficult to obtain in this obscure world, is something that should be absolute within an entity that affects the entire population in one way or another. The majority of investors are already at a disadvantage with the lack of technology and connections that industry giants seem to thoroughly enjoy and utilize. Is it too much to ask that we are keyed in to this bit of information that can have massive implications on an investors decision?  

Short position transparency will allow an investor to more accurately guage what the overall sentiment in a stock may be. With more updates in real time, I sure would believe that my choices would be greatly affected.  

There is a lot of hullabaloo going on about possible short positions being hidden through different loopholes and vehicles. With more transparency across the board, these conspiracies may lessen, and the faith in our markets may strengthen. As I gather opinions from friends, family, coworkers, and news outlets, it seems like most people just don't know if they can trust what is being told them anymore.  

If there is a way to be more transparent in our markets, is it not our responsibility to push for those ways to be implemented? Do we not pay our regulators to uphold these desires for a free and fair market? Do we just ignore previous issues that have had a detrimental effect on everyone involved? Do we wish to keep on the same downward spiral of negative sentiment in our great country, or will we ensure that our future Americans can raise their heads high when they speak of the integrity we presumably hold?  

If this proposal truly pushes for greater transparency in our markets, then I am all for it. I wish to one day have a conversation with others about the strength and greatness of our economy. One where everyone has the same fair shot at making their fortune. One where we all have the same chance of failure based off of our own intuitions, and not because some had certain privileges that others did not.  

Thanks for taking the time to read the comments on this subject. I look forward to the verdict on the application of this policy.  

Take care 

Marcus Jensen