Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers
From: Xam Xam

Oct. 29, 2022


To whom it concerns, 

I am deeply troubled by ongoing decisions to fight transparency and enable criminal elements activities with regards to short selling in the US stock market, which from the most common perspective is a purposefully overly complicated and to the degree of degeneracy, corrupt beyond fathom,  

I implore you, by making the market more obfuscated, you are detracting from your once great country, force derivative holders to be accountable for the positions they open, otherwise you are not just inviting criminal abuse, you are protecting it.  

The future is destined for transparency and equality, please be on the side that supports the majority, of workers and earnest investors alike, and not the seedy underbelly of Wall Streets greedy few.