Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Tim Woods
From: Tim Woods

Oct. 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

 While shorting is often a relevant part of markets when done in accordance with the law, some companies aggressively short with the express interest of rooting against small business, entrepreneurship and the American Tax payer. They work to hurt progress of viable companies and make profit by shorting them. A profit, which is incentivized based on the fact that when a company goes bankrupt, shares that are sold short, never need to be bought back. Eventually companies learned about this strategy and have gone overboard. It needs to be stopped, or we will lose more and more companies that people know and love. Companies that pay taxes to the federal and state governemnt and fund local municipalities with sales tax. Companies that are the backbone of malls and commercial real estate. Instead of American entrepreneurship and business, we end up with empty lots and a weaker security as we face more budget shortfalls that lead to cut backs across the board. We should not live in a world
  where we face cutbacks because of aggressive naked shorting that is designed to line the pockets of a handful of risky investors. We need to do better. I believe in the SEC. I believe in this country. Thank you for your time.