Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Dallas Keever
From: Dallas Keever
Affiliation: Federal Agent

Oct. 30, 2022

 October 30, 2022

 I don't think comment is even necessarily for this obvious rule.  The current financial collapse that is clearly on the horizon came about primarily from abusive short selling.

Short selling is not investing.  It is the opposite of investing, and should be HEAVILY regulated by the government to prevent the rise of monopolies such as Amazon that is conveniently buying up the market share of various retail stores that have been targeted by institutional shot sellers that have recently be investigated by the DOJ for packing board rooms and sabotaging companies.  (BCG, Amazon, BlackStone, etc.)

This will all be brought to light soon, and the SEC needs to be on the right side of the coming revelation.  With this rule, S7-08-22, you can at least say you were trying to help, trying to regulate unrestricted greed.

But by striking this rule down, you will have become complicit.  Don't be on the wrong side of history.