Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Austin Quade
From: Austin Quade
Affiliation: Austin Quade

Oct. 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

 Shorting data must be made available to the SEC and the general public.  While there may be genuine uses of shorting a security, too many large institutions are using shorting to purposely drive down the price of a security, and essentially rob anyone else who may believe in a company, or a general turn-around.  Massive shorting of a company's stock is nothing short of an attack on the US economy.  Real products, research, and jobs are lost due to abusive shorting.  In addition, many market makers make no effort to actually find a lender for the security being shorted, and instead simply give out FTDs.  This is stealing, plain and simple.  These abusive tactics continue to work, because these market makers, hedgefunds, and banks continue to operate in the dark.  The first step of stopping this theft is to make this data public, and hold these institutions accountable for their actions.