Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Lucas Bales
From: Lucas Bales

Oct. 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

 As an individual retail investor, I find it highly troubling that this rule does not properly address short selling activity and the reporting of it. Nor does it in any way address shorting via ETF's related to particular stocks either. If securities lending and swaps can be reported every 15 minutes, so can short selling positions including those shorted through etf funds.

If short sellers are afraid of this data becoming public and having investors trade against them, then they should learn to stop selling things that they do not own just because they think the price is too high. Shareholders should set the price of a company's stock, as it is their property to do with as they please. Short sellers borrowing and selling shares that are not theirs because they want to drive the price down to a \"more reasonable valuation\" are just sociopaths who think they know better than the people who actually own the company.

Please properly address short selling by requiring reporting every 15 minutes and by including shorting performed via ETF's and other means.