Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Tamara K.
From: Tamara K.
Affiliation: business economist

Oct. 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

 Hi. Thanks for the opportunity to comment here and hopefully be able to do something for the better.
More transparency is needed on the stock exchange with regard to short selling so that criminal acts can be prevented or at least recognized more quickly.
Data should be made available to all investors on a daily basis. Who is shorting whom - as an investor, I want to understand why the price rises or falls. Therefore, short selling must be recognizable and transparent for every investor.
FUD - when funds and companies are already selling shares they don't even own - these should have to be returned on the same day. And this process should be transparent and understandable for all parties involved.
As we live in the digital age, there is no longer any reason not to return the borrowed shares on the same day.
Unfortunately, short selling gives short sellers the opportunity to earn money by sabotaging other business ideas or innovative technologies and ruining companies. So someone who doesn't create anything gets rich by destroying something that doesn't belong to them. This is morally unacceptable and therefore short selling should be heavily regulated if not banned.
Dark pools give big money makers the opportunity to sway the price of a stock (which an investor bought in good faith because the investor believed in the idea and the company's success) in their favor. Dark pools should be banned as they appear to be used for market manipulation.
Thank you for trying to reform the stock market. This is the right way to expose and avoid manipulation.