Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Lisa Zumwalde
From: Lisa Zumwalde
Affiliation: Senior Biologist/Program Manager, Rincon Consultants, Inc

Oct. 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

 As a new investor in their early 20s,  I came into the world hopeful for market fairness and the chance to see the positive value of my investments. Rather, I have encountered practice after practice that skews the favor of the market towards bigger players who have the capital to change the game to serve themselves. Short selling is the opposite of bringing value to the markets, and without transparency in reporting, the average investor has no idea of whether their investment is being lended, sold short, and ultimately bringing the value of their investments down. The SEC must be protecting the retail investor to facilitate and boost faith in our markets. Long-term, untracked short sales can over time lead lead to economic uncertainty and lack of faith with international investors.

Please SEC, help restore public faith in our markets.