Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Tammy Hodlchuk
From: Tammy Hodlchuk

Oct. 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

 I hope this letter finds those that read it well.

With all due respect, I quit investing in Wallstreet in early 2000's when it became blatantly obvious the markets were not operating in honorable manner. Clearly,technology and regulations have been used to the advantage of those with influence or access to these systems, not unlike a carnival game. With the technology available today there is no legitimate argument for these archaic methods of deception to persist.

I only returned to this market to stand with individual investors against the lack of market transparency in these anticompetitive markets.I will persist so my 4 grandchildren do not inherit the skeletons my generation has so far failed to purge from the closet. It is unreal that this behavior has been permitted for so long.

It is not my place to detail what needs to be corrected here as it has become quite obvious to so many internationally. If these corrections are not implemented in a timely manner this will surely be detrimental to the entire global economy for generations. Your organization is uniquely positioned to do the right thing, and I do trust that you know exactly what actions must be taken. May your wisdom be used justly and without greed or ill intent.

I wish you the best with this task.