Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Douglas H. Brindle (Profanity Flag)
From: Douglas H. Brindle
Affiliation: Retail Financial Advisor

Oct. 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

 Anyone who is against having a consolidated audit trail is a god damned criminal in the making. There is not a single reason that having every transaction being auditable is not in the best interest in the market.

The companies that are fighting against the reporting want to obfuscate their actions. Ask yourself why. They claim the implementation would be to challenging...really. You can create algos to control market prices, you can arbitrage fractions of a penny across international markets in milliseconds, and you create a \"price improvement\" to what is supposedly the best NBBO price. BUT we can't create an audit trail...that would take computers or something. Piss off with this. I get angry every time I read these arguments. People are holding back accountability as long as they can to grab as much as they can while they can. You people at the SEC are letting them. Enough already. Do your job