Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Software engineer

Oct. 30, 2022

October 30, 2022

 Ive read through some of the comments from institutions and noticed they all are saying it would be too difficult to get reports out so quickly. As a software engineer I can tell you a decent intern can write these reports in no time(been there). They purposely are making it sound confusing to make yall look pretty silly to be honest. Its curious too that I originally submitted a similar comment but the sec apparently lost comments?? Wow Its actually impressive to be that you guys so easily got rid of all the comments. Ive worked with at least 4 companys that all had backup plans in place and it would seriously be difficult to actually delete anything fully. Seems pretty suspicious to me personally.
Also in my opinion any code these banks are using should be open to investigate and scrutinize. In blockchain its pretty normal for all code to be open to view so the banks are really just hiding the scandals in the code. Every bank should also have audits and investigative software engineers to prove banks are naked shorting through some obscure algorithmic trading. Its real and they should be stopped but at least the ability to view, investigate and I force changes to these shorting algorithms is a must