Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Zach
From: Zach

Oct. 30, 2022

October 30, 2022

 Short selling is a dangerous tool, that if done correctly may lead to small benefits, but if done incorrectly may lead to serious consequences not just for the short seller, but for the markets as a whole. There are many moving parts in any given short sale, and all take the risk when someone uses  their ability to short sell. I believe to mitigate these risks, we should first require short selling to be disclosed daily. This rule should also include the reporting of ETFs, as they have become a secondary avenue to sell companies short while hiding from reporting. Short selling must be disclosed publically and often, and with full transparency, or it will continue to be abused and cause damage to the very foundations of our markets, and the pockets of all who have invested in our great nation and its markets.