Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Max Knaus
From: Max Knaus

Oct. 30, 2022

October 30, 2022

As a retail investor, I believe that it is crucial for S7-08-22 to pass in order to create a more transparent market for investors like myself. It is necessary that short activity be posted on the daily in order to receive a better understanding of the market and increase transparency amongst wall street. Increased transparency benefits everyone who is using the market in a legal and fair way to amass capital. The only benefit that would come from not passing S7-08-2022, is bad actors who use shorts to artificially move the market would continue to obfuscate market data from retail investors. I also believe that in a free market economy, choice and control are an investors fundamental rights. Any attempt to not pass S7-08-22 would be an attack on investors freedoms and rights. I also believe that categorizing short positions as \"not hedged\" would lead to more transparent markets and allow retail investors to make better financial decisions. When short positions are not hedged, it p
 oses a significant risk to market health. Thank you for your time, I hope you make the right decision in passing S7-08-22.