Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Matthew Mc Carter
From: Matthew Mc Carter

Oct. 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

 Short selling seriously damages market integrity, honest and fair price discovery, and creates unnecessary and unethical exposure in markets that benefit only large corporate bad-actors to the detriment of the American Economy. I am in support of this rule. I think reporting of short selling as often as once a month is a mistake and it should be once a day. ETF should also be included in this rule. Short selling is not investing and it is not done by investors. Americans invest in companies they belieive in but short selling is a black stain on the markets becuase it does not facilitiate price discovery but rather is manipulated to devalue prices and investor votes in companies. this rule is needed for fair and efficient markest to operate and be trusted by Americans and the rest of the world.