Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from William Moxley
From: William Moxley

Oct. 30, 2022

October 30, 2022

 I cannot believe that the SEC currently allows self-reporting of short sale data which does not offer individual market participants the ability to truly understand what the true short interest is on the securities they invest in. I am deeply concerned for the future of our financial markets if this is not addressed and corrected by the SEC. We need to have access to this information so we can make informed investment decisions, and when a firm is allowed to short sell securities and then \"self-report\" this activity it is ripe for corruption. The SEC knows this and the general public knows this. Please make this right and provide fair and free markets for ALL market participants. We are only asking for access to information so we can make informed decisions Please help the general public by providing us with transparency and allow us to make decisions with this data available