Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Lisa
From: Lisa

Oct. 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

 I am an individual investor in the US stock market. I strongly support the reporting every 15 minutes requirement. I have been investing in the stock market for 15 years, and as a person with a young family, I want transparency. I want to know that my investments are honored the same as a major hedgefund. I want to be able to teach my kids that the US market is something to be proud of. Not something to fear because they will never have the voice or the buying power of larger players that they are up against.
I hate how progress in companies has been halted due to short-selling in the dark. I understand how short selling can aid in price discovery and prevent manipulation on the other end, but predatory short selling in the dark is a disgusting practice that erodes our future as a nation. Please keep up the work to require and enforce market transparency.