Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Cristobal Keutmann Bobillier
From: Cristobal Keutmann Bobillier

Oct. 29, 2022

October 29, 2022

 I truly belive that more transparency in our markets is needed. The last years of trading have been wierd to say the least. Stocks that go hundreds of % in matter of hours. Companies that no one know going ballistic and then going back to super low numbers. If we don't hvae transparency we are not going to know what is causing this anomalies. A market that is not well regulates and is not transparent is basically a tool for people with more money to take away the money from people that have less. Short positions are not what is wrong, but the sistem allows for wierd short plays that are destroying the markets, if shorts are more transparent we are going to know what loopholes exist and what mechanisms of the market are causing these anomalies.

Cristobal Keutmann