Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from no name
From: no name

Oct. 29, 2022

October 29, 2022

 The commission has identified the following shortcomings:

1. fails to distinguish economic short exposure from hedged positions or intraday trading.

2. fails to distinguish the type of trader short selling or identify individual short positions, even for regulatory use.

3. fails to distinguish the various ways short positions can change and the various ways to acquire short exposure.

The SEC should go ahead and make short reporting as detailed as long reporting in 13-F. This enables a level playing field where the retail investors know what is actually happening to their investment.

The current system is so tilted against the retail investor, they are blind is what is essentially 50% of what a stock market should do. Buy or Sell. Long or short.

While the opposition has their own objections, most of them stem from their own protection and to the sole benefit of themselves. They want this opaqueness because it makes their life easy and a ton of profit.

Please take this individual investor concerns seriously as this is the sentiment of a large group of knowledgeable investors today and we demand change.

a concerned investor.