Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Dustin Ammann (Profanity Flag)
From: Dustin Ammann
Affiliation: Owner Your Internet Guy LLC

Oct. 29, 2022

October 29, 2022

 There is no argument that is valid that less transparency in the market is a good thing. Data is what you have to have in order to make informed decisions in the market. Hiding it, and relying on third parties to provide you with the numbers, that have already been calculated is not fair in a free market. The SEC should be representing what the people want. Not what a select few companies that maintain an iron grip on the stock market want. The SEC is the only way retail investors stand a fighting chance at making safe, informed decisions. A stock that has an immense short position is a ticking time bomb. Before investing your personally owned money, which is getting harder and harder to come by with inflation skyrocketing, we deserve to know what we are getting into. Please, unless its a toilet stall, more transparency is never bad. Lack of it just keeps shit out of view of the public.

Its already been seen that large, undisclosed swaps can be detrimental to the market, do I even need to mention Archegos? The public should be allowed to act as a watchdog. We need transparency. Including Internationally. Firms should not be allowed to hide their positions behind an imaginary line and be safe from reporting requirements. There is market manipulation taking place. The math supports it. Firms hide shorts in ETFs to avoid disclosing them. Let the people have the data. Let us help be watchdogs. Supercomputers can make hundreds of trades in microseconds, its no burden to use that power to report a position. Make them disclose their positions. Open the markets visibility. Be the change we need. Fix Wallstreet.