Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Individual Investor
From: Individual Investor

Oct. 29, 2022

October 29, 2022

 29 Oct 2022

As an individual investor who relies on public facing data to make my trading decisions, I am astounded by the lack of transparency surrounding trading activities of all kinds. Transparency is key to free and fair markets and the proposed rule 13-f2 does not go far enough. Yes, investors want to see short positions reported, but it must go further to at least daily reporting of short positions. If rule 10c-1 requires intraday reporting of securities lending (which I also adamantly support), surely 13f-2 can require daily reporting of short selling.

This rule should also include all forms of shorting like via ETFs. ETFs can be used to synthetically short vulnerable stocks and this method of price suppression circumvents regulation and essentially siphons off wealth from the unsuspecting public who are invested in these financial instruments. While short selling may have a place in our current markets, it has serious consequences, most typically to the detriment of the unsuspecting individual investor and well-intentioned companies.

Please consider these points as you proceed with this proposal for the sake of the trust of the investing public and the lofty ideal of free and fair markets.