Subject: Stop the naked shorting & market manipulation
From: Kathy Barsky

Oct. 30, 2022

Dear SEC, 
Retail relies on you to monitor and safeguard the market. 
Allowing the naked shorting and market manipulation by market makers and hedgefunds to continue is not in the best interest of retail investors.  
Securities lending (short selling) is being abused on a daily basis by large financial institutions, hedge funds and market makers.  
Known abuse of the system should not continue to be allowed.  
Securities lending should be fully transparent.  

Self reporting & naked shorting are not providing accurate information, by continuing to allow it is basically saying: it is ok to steal from others,  and your allowing them to continue in doing so.  

I want to believe in a fair market. Honest and accurate regulations.  
That good will triumph over evil. 
That corruption should not be able to find loop holes.  

Please show the people they can believe.  

Thank you for your time,   
Kathy Barsky