Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers
From: Bob Coradini

Oct. 26, 2022



Comment Letter for File Number S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers 

Dear SEC, 

As fellow Americans living in a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC with rights and laws  compliant with the Constitution for these United States of America, we hold dear to the concept & belief of EQUAL JUSTICE under the law.  Simply put, this means one set of rules that APPLY EQUALLY to ALL. 

Given the common purpose under such governance is to ensure access to equal opportunity & justice in the pursuit of happiness as together we unite to form a country, culture & society to "build a better future" for us and our progeny.   

Key words are "equal opportunity" and "Build". 

As the SEC your duty is to ensure a fair and transparent market that allows individuals to pool & trade capital as a proxy for skills & services in the pursuit of building the Country. 

We can call this investment.   

We invest our time, energy, and efforts in a proxy called capital (with dollars & cents as the measurement of such value) to build and make things grow and/or become better.   

I am unaware of any rational common sense concept of investing to destroy value.  Value destruction is just that DESTRUCTION and runs counter to creating and building a better society.   

Sometimes we need to tear things down to rebuild it up. . .but this is part of a planned investment. . not just playing the destructive part of the equation. 

If this is so then we need to seperate the distinction of INVESTING vs Gambling.  Again the market should be a place to trade goods for the sake of investing. . not gambling.  Think farmers' markets for trading goods. . .Casinos are where one gambles. 

Simply put, shorting is gambling and not investing.   

IFrom my vantage point, there is no rational economic principle why a stock is borrowed to have a short sale only to buy stock back later to return at a lower value to the original owner.  Why would any original owner do this (take back a stock with a diminished value) unless they were part of a criminal conspiracy to milk & fleece the value of others? 

That being said, if there is to be short selling (gambling) then all transactions and trades need to be transparent & timely for rational investment decisions to be made.  There can be no hidden deals, side-bar trade, dark pools or other transactions hidden from view or not reported timely.   

This is no different than only select entities or folks having non-public information for inside trading.  This is illegal and wrong. 

Even more compelling is the issue of naked shorting which is not only FRAUD (selling something you do not own or possess) but is THEFT.  It is the perfect example of a con job or swindle. 

As a fellow American who loves our Country and wants to see it grow and flourish, please review whether short selling is investing or gambling.   

Should you continue to allow short sales (gambling) then it must be fair, transparent and timely for all to see.  Even High Frequency trading and one's place in the trade queue matter when millions upon millions of shares transact and where pennies add up quickly.   

Same holds true for many derivatives based with little to no assets & protections  for shareholders and where SEC reporting is neither clear, transparent nor timely. 

I am just a simple retail investor but have seen & experienced enough chicanery in the market that gnaws at the underlying faith & foundation in our economic & capital system.   

Should investors lose faith that trades are fair because they are hidden or done in darkness, then the future will be quite grim for all.  

No one likes cheaters, snakes & sneaks. 

In God we trust, all others bring cash. 

Robert Coradini 
143 Camino del Rio  
Port St Lucie, FL  34952