Subject: proposed Rule 13f-2
From: Doris Tan

Oct. 26, 2022


October 27, 2022 

Vanessa A. Countryman 
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 
100 F Street, N.E. 
Washington, D.C. 205499–1090 

Dear Ms. Countryman, 

Re: Release No. 34–94313; File No. S7–08–22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers 

I  appreciate the opportunity to comment on the U.S. Securities and 
Exchange Commission’s (the “SEC” or “Commission”) release on proposed Rule 13f-2 
(“Proposal”) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. 

As a retail investor in GAMESTOP CORP, hence an investor in the U.S. stock market, I would like to state my full support for the Short Sale Reporting rule, Rule 13f-2. The current state of the US Stock Market is one that quite frankly gives the appearance of basically a rigged casino, run by and for the wealthy and powerful, at the expense of small businesses and retail investors like myself. Far too much of this so called ‘free and fair market’ happens behind the scenes and in the dark, in ways that leave the average retail investor at a severe disadvantage, and any rule that would force greater transparency would not only benefit investors, but would go a long way towards improving the perception of and confidence in the market in general. I strongly urge you to move forward with the implementation of this rule. 

 Best regards, 
Ms. Wei Tan